Gas Riser Drawing

Gas Riser Drawing

A gas riser drawing is a 3D drawing that indicates the sizes of the gas pipes. The drawing contains complex calculations that ensure each gas appliance will never be starved for fuel.

A propane riser drawing shows the same exact things.

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CLICK HERE to order your gas riser drawing.

I draw residential GAS riser drawings each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


testimonial from Google Maps

I can complete your drawing in days, not weeks. I offer a special 24-hour expedited service should you be in a bind.

natural gas meter and rusty trunk line
This is where a natural gas riser drawing starts – at the gas meter. Never allow gas lines to rust as you see in this photo. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

What Information is Needed to Prepare the Diagram?

A draftsman needs the following items to produce an accurate gas riser drawing:

  • the BTU input of all appliances plus future ones
  • the location of the gas meter
  • the exact location of each appliance on a 2D floor plan
  • a floor plan of the project with accurate dimensions

Who Draws Gas Riser Diagrams?

Mechanical engineers, architects, some plumbers, and Tim Carter draw gas riser drawings. Hands-on experience installing gas lines is a bonus. Tim has installed thousands of feet of natural gas lines in his career.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

How Much Does a Natural Gas Riser Diagram Cost?

Mechanical engineers and architects often charge thousands of dollars to produce a gas riser diagram, while a master plumber like Tim Carter charges only a fraction of that. Low overhead is the reason an independent plumber can charge less money.

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing gas lines in his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast, Maine. Copyright 2024

What Does a Natural Gas Riser Diagram Look Like?

A professional gas riser diagram is clear and contains all the pipe sizes and a proposed layout of the gas lines. The best riser diagrams are done in color to help the installer.

natural gas riser diagram
This is a natural gas riser diagram. Tim Carter drew it. Your riser diagram will be a large document you can read with ease. CALL 603-470-0508 to get your riser diagram drawn in days. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

The best diagrams contain a spreadsheet that lists:

  • each appliance
  • the BTU input of the appliance
  • the developed distance of the trunk and branch lines
  • the available BTUs at the connection to the appliance

How Can I Purchase a Gas Riser Diagram?

You should call Tim Carter at 603-470-0508 and discuss your project. Order a gas riser diagram here.

Radon Mitigation System

Radon Mitigation System Plan – Most are Wrong

A radon mitigation system plan shows the correct pipe to use under a basement slab. It also indicates the layout of the interconnected pipe.

radon mitigation pipe under a concrete slab

Many radon system planners call for a fan. You don’t need one if you remember your high school physics class and the Venturi Effect.

I draw radon mitigation system plans on a routine basis for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


testimonial from google maps

CLICK HERE to order your radon mitigation system plan. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

Your building department often wants to see a radon plan. My drawing indicates the right pipes to use, the best gravel to install, the best way to vent the radon from your home, and where and how they all interconnect.

Call me now if you need a radon mitigation system drawing done in days. 603-470-0508

radon mitigation system
This is just part of a radon mitigation system being installed in my daughter’s new home. There is still more pipe to connect to the system. Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2025

Why Is a Radon System Required?

A radon mitigation system plan is required to protect the occupants of the house. Radon is an invisible gas connected to incidences of lung cancer.

Most builders don’t understand how to install the piping. They do it wrong, and the radon can’t get into the system with ease.

It’s important to realize the radon must be exhausted to the exterior of the home by Mother Nature and not cost you a penny.

Who Draws Radon Mitigation Plans?

Plumbers, some architects, and mechanical engineers draw these plans. Mechanical engineers and architects often charge thousands of dollars to do one.

Master plumber, Tim Carter, using his college geology degree as well as his four decades of plumbing experience draws radon plans using digital technology. He’s fast and his prices are the cheapest in the USA. He has drawn thousands of plans of all types and has many 5-star ratings on Google. 

His favorite plan to draw is a gas riser diagram.  They require complex calculations. Call Tim now if you need a radon mitigation plan completed in days. 603-470-0508

Basement Bathroom Riser Diagram

Basement Bathroom Riser Diagram – Complex Connections

A basement bathroom riser diagram is required in all fifty USA states. This three-dimensional drawing is required to get a permit to install the new piping and fixtures. You may be adding a new basement bathroom to an existing house. A diagram is required in this instance to preserve good health in the house.

testimonial from Google Maps

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


CLICK HERE to order your basement bathroom riser diagram now if you can’t draw one yourself. Your STAMPED drawing will be done in just a few days.

pvc plumbing pipes in a walk out basement
These PVC plumbing pipes are in a basement. A riser diagram will show all the drain and vent pipes in the entire job. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

What Does the Diagram Show?

A riser diagram shows all the drain, waste, and vent (DWV) pipes that will be installed by you or the plumber. The building department wants you to prove to them that you know the correct size for each drain and vent for each fixture.

pvc plumbing pipes
There are four vent pipes in this photo. What is unusual about the one vent pipe? Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2024

The drawing also shows the correct fittings to use. Many DIYrs use the wrong fittings. Clogs can happen with ease when you use the wrong fitting at a junction point where one pipe connects to another.

Follow the UPC

The Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) must be followed when you design your basement bathroom. The code is very complex. It has its own lexicon that will seem like a foreign language should you not be a plumber.

Gravity Flow vs. Sewage Ejection Pumps

The best basement bathroom has gravity flow. Gravity flow is achieved when your septic tank or the city sewer tap outside your home is lower in elevation by several feet from the underside of your basement slab.

A sealed sewage ejection pit and pump is required where there is no gravity flow. The waste from the basement bathroom flows to a sealed pit or sump. A pump inside the sump then pumps the waste up to the main building drain where it can flow by gravity to your septic tank or the city sewer.

Special dedicated vents are required for these sewage ejection systems.

How Much Does a Basement Bathroom Riser Diagram Cost?

Mechanical engineers might charge $1,000 (2024 prices), or more, to produce the riser diagram you need for a permit.

Tim Carter, a master plumber, only charges a few hundred dollars to produce a stamped basement bathroom riser diagram. Tim can deliver your drawing in less than a week. Tim offers a 24-hour expedited service if you need your permit fast.

CALL Tim now to get your drawing: 603-470-0508

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024

Isometric Plumbing Diagram

What is an Isometric Plumbing Diagram?

By: Tim Carter

An isometric plumbing diagram, or riser diagram, is a three-dimensional (3D) illustration that shows all the drain, waste, and vent plumbing lines in and under a building.

testimonial from Google Maps

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


CLICK HERE to order your isometric plumbing riser diagram now if you can’t draw one yourself. Your STAMPED drawing will be done in just a few days.

These drawings are required for both residential and commercial plumbing. If you’re going to open a restaurant, you must produce a Restaurant Riser Diagram.

A diagram is required for small remodel jobs like relocating a washing machine.

What Code & Standards Must Be Followed?

Your plumbing isometric drawing must meet all standards that are published in the Uniform Plumbing Code that is in force all across the USA.

building drain pvc pipes under a concrete slab riser diagram
A riser diagram shows on paper what pipes look like on a real job site. Allow me to draw your isometric drawing in just days. CALL me now to discuss your project: 603-470-0508 Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

Why is a Drawing Needed?

These drawings are required to get a plumbing permit in just about every city and town in the USA. The drawing indicates to the plumbing and building department that you understand the following:

  • the correct size of drain pipes for each fixture
  • the correct size of the vent pipe to each fixture
  • the correct size of the building drain
  • the correct orientation and connection of pipes within a fixture group
  • how to minimize friction loss in the system
  • how to collect vents

The inspector wants to make sure you know all of the above information so they don’t have to tell you to rip out all the pipes and start over when they show up for an inspection.

What Does a Riser Drawing Look Like?

Here’s a typical plumbing isometric drawing created by master plumber Tim Carter. Call him at 603-470-0508 if you want him to draw yours:


plumbing isometric drawing call 603-470-0508

Who Can Draw the Riser Diagram?

Mechanical engineers can draw these plans, but you’ll discover you may pay more than $3,000.00 (2024 prices) for one. These companies have high overhead costs.

Tim Carter, a master plumber who works out of his central New Hampshire house, has little overhead. He can draw a riser diagram for an average 3-bedroom home for less than hundreds of dollars. (2024 prices).

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024
tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Natural Gas Riser Diagram

Natural Gas Riser Diagram

A natural gas riser diagram is a 3D drawing that indicates the sizes of the gas pipes. The diagram contains complex calculations that ensure each gas appliance will never be starved for fuel.

A propane riser diagram shows the same exact things.

testimonial from Google Maps

CLICK HERE to order your natural gas riser diagram.

I draw residential GAS riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


testimonial from Google Maps

I can complete your drawing in days, not weeks. I offer a special 24-hour expedited service should you be in a bind.

natural gas meter and rusty trunk line
This is where a natural gas riser diagram starts – at the gas meter. Never allow gas lines to rust as you see in this photo. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

What Information is Needed to Prepare the Diagram?

A draftsman needs the following items to produce an accurate gas riser diagram:

  • the BTU input of all appliances plus future ones
  • the location of the gas meter
  • the exact location of each appliance on a 2D floor plan
  • a floor plan of the project with accurate dimensions

Who Draws Gas Riser Diagrams?

Mechanical engineers, architects, some plumbers, and Tim Carter draw gas riser diagrams. Hands-on experience installing gas lines is a bonus. Tim has installed thousands of feet of natural gas lines in his career.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

How Much Does a Natural Gas Riser Diagram Cost?

Mechanical engineers and architects often charge thousands of dollars to produce a gas riser diagram, while a master plumber like Tim Carter charges only a fraction of that. Low overhead is the reason an independent plumber can charge less money.

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing gas lines in his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast, Maine. Copyright 2024

What Does a Natural Gas Riser Diagram Look Like?

A professional gas riser diagram is clear and contains all the pipe sizes and a proposed layout of the gas lines. The best riser diagrams are done in color to help the installer.

natural gas riser diagram
This is a natural gas riser diagram. Tim Carter drew it. Your riser diagram will be a large document you can read with ease. CALL 603-470-0508 to get your riser diagram drawn in days. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

The best diagrams contain a spreadsheet that lists:

  • each appliance
  • the BTU input of the appliance
  • the developed distance of the trunk and branch lines
  • the available BTUs at the connection to the appliance

How Can I Purchase a Gas Riser Diagram?

You should call Tim Carter at 603-470-0508 and discuss your project. Order a gas riser diagram here.

Room Addition Riser Diagram

Room Addition Riser Diagram

A room addition project will require a riser diagram if the addition contains a bathroom, a half-bath, a kitchen, a wet bar, a relocated laundry room, etc.

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


testimonial from google maps

CLICK HERE to order your room addition riser diagram. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

Your building department wants to see a riser diagram. The drawing tells them you know the right pipes to use, and where and how they all interconnect.

Call me now if you need a room addition riser diagram. 603-470-0508

pvc plumbing pipes in a walk out basement
These PVC plumbing pipes are in a large room addition. A riser diagram will show all the drain and vent pipes in the entire job. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

Why Is a Riser Diagram Required?

The riser diagram is a 3D drawing showing the plumbing or building department’s location of all the drain and vent pipes.

The drawing shows all the correct sizes of each pipe. Toilets, showers, and washing machines require very specific drain pipes.

The room addition riser diagram shows the code-approved way each fixture is vented.

The Uniform Plumbing Code

Follow the Uniform Plumbing Code when you create your drawing.  This will ensure that you have no trouble obtaining your permit.

Who Draws Riser Diagrams?

Plumbers, some architects, and mechanical engineers draw riser diagrams. Mechanical engineers and architects often charge thousands of dollars to do one.

Master plumber, Tim Carter, also draws riser diagrams. He has drawn thousands of them and has many 5-star ratings on Google. 

Call Tim now if you need a drawing completed in days. 603-470-0508

How Long Does it Take to Get a Room Addition Riser Diagram?

A drawing can take up to a month to draw.  Architects and mechanical engineers require weeks to create a drawing.

Plumbers are busy installing pipes on jobs, and it may take a long time to create a riser diagram.

Tim Carter draws them each day, has no distractions, and can get one done in as little as 24 hours if need be. An expedited fee is charged for a fast turnaround. Tim can often get a drawing done in four days or less.

Pizza Parlor Riser Diagram

Pizza Parlor Riser Diagram – Clean Kitchens a Must

By: Tim Carter

A pizza parlor riser diagram is required to get a plumbing permit. A health or plumbing inspector will review the drawing to ensure all drain, waste, and vent pipes are the correct size.

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


testimonial from Google Maps

CLICK HERE to order your pizza parlor riser diagram. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

Call 603-470-0508 now to get your pizza parlor riser diagram drawn in days.

The riser diagram must conform to all the standards found in the Uniform Plumbing Code. Local code officials can modify the UPC to fit local customs and practices.

What Fixtures Will Be on the Riser Diagram?

A pizza parlor often has the following plumbing fixtures:

  • triple-compartment sink
  • dishwasher
  • grease trap
  • one or more floor sinks
  • hand-wash sink
  • mop sink
  • employee toilet and sink
  • public toilets and sinks

The pizza parlor riser diagram will show all of the fixtures and how they interconnect. A 4-inch building drain is sufficient. This pipe will connect to a city sewer.

Is a Gas Riser Diagram Required?

Most pizza ovens are connected to natural gas. Natural gas is clean and cost-effective. It’s important to realize that the gas lines must be sized correctly so ovens, furnaces, and stove burners are not starved for gas.

A gas riser diagram drawn by a professional like Tim Carter will ensure the gas lines are the correct size.

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024

What Does a Pizza Parlor Riser Diagram Cost?

The cost for this drawing can vary to a large degree. Mechanical engineers often charge thousands of dollars to draw one.

Master plumber Tim Carter charges just hundreds of dollars (2024 prices). He has low overhead and is very efficient.

What Skills Are Needed to Draw a Riser Diagram?

You need deep knowledge of the plumbing code to draw a riser diagram.  Practical plumbing hands-on experience is a bonus.

You must know the difference between indirect and direct waste connections. You must know how to size grease traps.

It’s best to have Tim Carter draw your riser diagram. Call him now: 603-470-0508

Salon Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

A Salon Riser Diagram Let’s You Shampoo

A salon riser diagram is a drawing that shows all the drain, waste, and vent (DWV) pipes in your new salon. The pipes interconnect and the drawing, as well as the installation, must comply with all of the requirements found in the Uniform Plumbing Code.

testimonial from Google Maps

CLICK HERE to order your salon riser diagram. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

Call 603-470-0508 now to get your salon parlor riser diagram drawn in days.

It’s important to realize these drawings can be very complex. Here is a very condensed list of some of the things that need to be shown on a salon riser diagram:

  • the correct size of all the DWV pipes
  • illustrate the correct fittings and angles at all pipe junctures
  • show how to collect all the vents
  • include general notes about installation parameters

Who Can Create This Drawing?

A riser diagram is best drawn by one of these three professionals:

  • a mechanical engineer
  • a master plumber
  • an architect with deep plumbing knowledge

The mechanical engineer and architect will probably charge the most money. A salon owner shared she got a quote of $3,000.00 (2024 dollars) to draw one.

Tim Carter, a master plumber, charges much less to draw a salon riser diagram. He has low overhead and is very proficient. Tim’s riser diagrams can be completed in just a few days in most cases.

Call Tim now to schedule him to draw your riser diagram:


tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024

What is Required to Produce a Riser Drawing?

The following things are required to draw a riser diagram:

  • a floor plan of the salon showing all plumbing fixtures
  • the address of the new salon
  • the name of the company operating the salon
  • does the salon connect to a city sewer or a septic tank

Is DIY Plumbing Coaching Available?

DIY plumbing phone coaching is a service provided by Tim Carter. You can install the plumbing yourself in many cities and towns using Tim’s help via a phone or video call.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Domestic Water Riser

By: Tim Carter

A Domestic Water Riser Guarantees Full Flow

A domestic water riser is a diagram that ensures you’ll have plenty of water at all your fixtures. Many homes and some businesses suffer from low-pressure water flow.  As a result, you may get scalded with hot water while taking a shower.

testimonial from Google Maps

CLICK HERE to order your room addition riser diagram. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

I can complete your drawing in days, not weeks. I offer a special 24-hour expedited service should you be in a bind.

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


testimonial from google maps


The worst-case scenario is turning on your new body sprays in your deluxe shower, and the water dribbles out. Installing the water lines using a water riser diagram created by a professional ensures that it never happens to you.

I can complete your drawing in days, not weeks. I offer a special 24-hour expedited service should you be in a bind.

domestic water riser diagram
This is an example of a domestic water riser diagram. It shows water softeners, water conditioning, water heaters, all hot and cold water lines, and hose bibs. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

A water riser diagram shows the pipe size diameter of each pipe connected to a fixture. The color-coded drawing additionally shows the size of the trunk line that extends through the building.

What is Better – A Home Run or a Daisy Chain System?

A home-run water supply system is one where a separate pipe feeds each fixture directly from a remote manifold. The manifold might be located in a mechanical room or a basement.

pex water line manifold
This is an example of a 1-inch copper manifold that supplies water to no less than 13 1/2-inch water lines serving fixtures throughout the house. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

There are two distinct advantages to a home-run system. Chiefly there is a shutoff valve on the manifold controlling the water flow in each separate pipe. This valve allows you to shut off the water to just that one fixture while all other fixtures in the house still maintain full water flow.

copper manifold with uponor pex tubing
This is a 1-inch copper manifold. You can see the individual ball valves that can shut off the water flow to each PEX water line. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

The second advantage is fewer joints that might produce a leak. There are only two connection points. One is visible at the manifold and the second one is at the shutoff valve at or under the plumbing fixture.

A daisy chain water supply system works like the blood vessels in your body. A main cold water line starts to run through your home and smaller pipes branch off this main line to feed each fixture. A joint is created at each hidden branch behind a wall or ceiling, Each joint is a potential leak location.

Hot water lines are also daisy-chained in houses.

Who Draws a Domestic Water Riser Diagram?

A water riser diagram is drawn by:

  • a mechanical engineer
  • a master plumber
  • an architect with deep plumbing knowledge

Tim Carter, a master plumber, draws water riser diagrams and he also draws plumbing plans. His overhead is much lower than that of engineers and architects because he works out of his house in central New Hampshire.

Call Tim now. He wants to draw your domestic water riser. Call: 603-470-0508

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024

Tim produces drawings in just days. As a result, you can get your job started much faster than using any other person.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Bathroom Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

A Bathroom Riser Diagram Wet or Dry Vents?

A bathroom riser diagram is a drawing that depicts all the drain, waste, and vent pipes that will interconnect in your new bathroom. It’s important to realize this diagram must comply with all of the requirements found in the Uniform Plumbing Code.

CLICK HERE to order your bathroom riser diagram. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

Call 603-470-0508 now to get your bathroom riser diagram drawn in days.

The average person, that might be you, would have a very hard time creating a bathroom riser diagram. This is a short list of some of the requirements:

  • indicate the correct pipe sizes to drain each fixture
  • indicate the correct pipe size for each vent
  • show the correct fittings to use at each connection point
  • show how to collect all the vents
  • calculate the total fixture units
  • understand branch-arm distances

What is the Difference Between Wet and Dry Vents?

The Commonwealth of Kentucky does not allow wet vents. All plumbing fixtures in Kentucky must have dry vents. A wet vent is one where gray water from a different fixture flows down an oversized pipe that is venting a different fixture.

Another key point is this oversized pipe can’t be choked off with water from the draining fixture. This allows air to flow through the pipe to satisfy the fixture that is being wet-vented.

Dry vents only have condensate water drip down them to the vertical stacks and building drains.

Who Can Draw a Bathroom Riser Diagram?

This technical drawing is best created by a mechanical engineer, a master plumber, or an architect who has deep plumbing knowledge.

Tim Carter, a master plumber, loves to draw riser diagrams and he’s prepared to draw yours in just a few days. Call him now at 603-470-0508 to make arrangements.

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024

How Much Does it Cost to Draw the Riser Diagram?

Mechanical engineers and architects charge the most for drawing riser diagrams. The first thing to remember is the cost a professional charges for the drawing. A bathroom riser diagram can exceed $1,000.00 when drawn by a mechanical engineer or architect.  These two often have very high overhead that you must pay for.

Tim Carter charges just a few hundred dollars to draw a bathroom riser diagram. He is very efficient and has very low overhead. Tim works out of his house in central New Hampshire. You can order your bathroom riser diagram here.

Can You Put a Washing Machine in a Bathroom?

Washing machines can be placed in bathrooms. You may need a washing machine riser diagram to get a permit. Tim Carter can just draw the washing machine drain and vent and include it as part of your bathroom riser diagram.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Residential Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

A Residential Riser Diagram is Your North Star

You’ll need a special drawing to obtain a plumbing permit for your new home building or remodeling project. Some call this a plumbing iso drawing or an isometric drawing.

testimonial from Google Maps

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


CLICK HERE to order your residential riser diagram. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

I can complete your drawing in days, not weeks. I offer a special 24-hour expedited service should you be in a bind.

testimonial from google maps

The residential riser diagram contains lines that represent each separate drain, waste, and vent (DWV) pipe that will be part of your plumbing system. Another key point is this drawing must meet all the requirements found in the Uniform Plumbing Code.

Do You Need a Drawing for a Basement Bathroom Remodel?

A plumbing drawing is not required if you’re remodeling an existing bathroom. It’s important to realize you do need a drawing if you are installing a new basement bath. The plumbing department wants to know if you understand the correct size pipes to use and how to connect to the primary building drain.

What is a Building Drain?

A building drain is a primary pipe under a basement slab or in a crawlspace that transports all sewage to a city sewer or a septic tank. This pipe is 4 inches in diameter and it should have a cleanout just before or after it leaves the structure.

building drain layout by tim carter
This is an example of a building drain layout. It’s a professional drawing that will prevent clogs in the plumbing system so long as the pipes are installed per the drawing. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

It is a very good idea to have a building drain layout drawing done in conjunction with your residential riser diagram. All too often building drains are installed with too many changes of direction which introduce extra friction.

Who Can Draw a Residential Riser Diagram?

A mechanical engineer, a master plumber, and some architects have the skills and knowledge to draw a riser diagram.  A riser diagram is not easy to draw. This is a short list of the things you need to know to complete one that will get you a permit:

  • you must know the correct sized pipes to use for all DWV pipes
  • you must know how to vent each fixture – some states don’t permit wet vents
  • you must know how to collect vents and upsize vent pipes
  • you must know how to minimize friction within the DWV system
  • you must know the correct slope of all pipes
  • you must know the correct fittings to use under concrete slabs
  • How Much Does a Residential Riser Diagram Cost?

A residential riser diagram can range in price from $295 to $1,200 or more. It depends on who draws it. Mechanical engineers almost always charge the highest price because of their overhead.

Master plumber Tim Carter charges low prices because he has very low overhead. You can order your residential riser diagram here from Tim Carter.

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024

Do I Need a Riser Diagram for a Washing Machine?

You need a washing machine riser diagram if you are installing a new washing machine or relocating one.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

A Riser Diagram Gets You a Plumbing Permit

A riser diagram is a handy 3D drawing that shows all of the drain, waste, and vent (DWV) pipes that will be in a project. These drawings are required by cities and towns in order for you to obtain a plumbing permit.

testimonial from Google Maps

testimonial from Google Maps

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


I can complete your drawing in days, not weeks. I offer a special 24-hour expedited service should you be in a bind.

riser diagram draw plumbing plans
This is an example of a riser diagram drawn by Master Plumber Tim Carter. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

What Do You Need to Know to Draw One?

A deep understanding of the Uniform Plumbing Code is required to successfully draw a riser diagram. It is important to realize you must know the following:

  • the correct size pipe that connects to each fixture
  • the correct size pipe that vents each fixture
  • the correct location of the vent pipe for each fixture
  • how to collect vents and when to upsize vent pipes
  • the correct fittings to use in the DWV system
  • how to design the system for minimal friction loss

How Do You Indicate the Pipe Size on a Riser Diagram?

Pipe sizes are indicated using a small circle around each pipe. A small curved line is drawn between the circle and a number that calls out the inner diameter of the pipe. This is required for all DWV pipes on the drawing.

a toilet symbol on a riser diagram showing pipe size callout
This is how you note pipe sizes on a riser diagram. Note the different colors that make it easy to see if all pipes on the drawing are correct. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

Tim Carter uses color-coding on his riser diagrams to make it easy for plumbers, homeowners, and plan examiners to see if all the pipe sizes are correct. Tim went to great lengths to ensure the colors used are color-blind safe so all can see the colors.

Call Tim now if you need help getting a permit:


plumbing pipes below a concrete slab apartment building
Look how many pipes there are! Do you understand now why you need a plumbing plan or riser diagram to get the correct sizing for the pipes? Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

Is a Plumbing Isometric Drawing the Same Thing?

Yes, a plumbing isometric drawing is identical to a riser diagram. They both show the same thing. It is a good idea to include General Notes on the drawings that speak to best plumbing practices to follow when installing all the pipes.

Who is Qualified to Draw a Riser Diagram?

Mechanical engineers, master plumbers, and some architects have the skills to draw these plans. Mechanical engineers have a track record of charging the most money.

Tim Carter, a master plumber, charges a very fair price to draw them and can fulfill an order in just a few days.

tim carter master plumber at bar harbor job site
This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024
tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Draw Plumbing Plans

By: Tim Carter

Draw Plumbing Plans in Days to Get a Permit

Are you trying to draw plumbing plans for your new home, basement bath project, or perhaps a new restaurant you want to open?

Maybe you’re going to operate a food truck and need a riser diagram for that. To be able to draw plumbing plans, you must have a deep understanding of the Uniform Plumbing Code.

plumbing pipes below a concrete slab apartment building
Look how many pipes there are! Do you understand now why you need a plumbing plan or riser diagram to get the correct sizing for the pipes? Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

Plumbing plans are not easy to draw for several reasons. Here are just a few challenges you’ll face if you try to draw plumbing plans yourself:

  • you must know the correct drain pipe size for all fixtures
  • you must know the correct pipe size for all fixture vents
  • you must know the correct fittings that the code requires when joining pipes together as part of the system
  • you must know how to collect vents together
  • you must know when to upsize vent pipes
  • you must know all about fixture units
  • you must know how to keep friction to a minimum within the system

Why are Plumbing Plans Required?

The cities and towns that require you to submit plumbing plans do this for a very good reason. Your plans communicate to them that you understand all of the above bullet points. They want you to prove to them that you know the correct size of pipes to use throughout the entire system.

Is a Riser Diagram the Same as Plumbing Plans?

Yes, the technical name for a plumbing plan is a riser diagram.

These drawings are usually done in a three-dimensional format to help you visualize how all the pipes in the plumbing system interconnect.

riser diagram draw plumbing plans
This is an example of a riser diagram drawn by Master Plumber Tim Carter. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

How Do You Show PIpe Sizes?

When you draw plumbing plans, you show the pipe size by making a small circle around the line for the pipe. A small curved line extends from this circle and at the end of it you put the number in inches of the pipe size.

riser diagram for a toilet with vent
Here’s an example of how to mark the size of a pipe in a riser diagram. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

What Does it Cost to Draw Plumbing Plans (2024 prices)?

The cost to draw riser diagrams can vary. If a mechanical engineer draws the plan, the cost might easily exceed $3,000.00 for a plan for a 3-bedroom home. If Master Plumber Tim Carter draws the plan, it will cost under $400.00. Tim has low overhead and can produce them in less time than most engineers.

Who is Tim Carter?

Tim Carter is a master plumber and a master carpenter based in central New Hampshire. He was selected as one of the top 50 Remodelers in the USA in 1993 and used that award to launch his Ask the Builder media brand.

tim carter master plumber

Tim has always loved to draw riser diagrams and now does it efficiently using his computer.

How Can I Get Tim to Draw my Plumbing Plans?

It’s easy to get Tim to draw for you. Call him now at 603-470-0508 to discuss your project. You can also click the ORDER text link above to place your order.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.


Restaurant Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

A Restaurant Riser Diagram Can Be Complex

Plumbing for a typical restaurant is very complex. While the bathrooms for patrons and employees are straightforward, all of the other fixtures are quite unusual for the casual person.

testimonial from Google Maps

I draw restaurant and commercial kitchen riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


urinals in restaurant bathroom restaurant riser diagram
Here are two simple urinals in a men’s room. Look at the complex piping for these two simple fixtures. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

A restaurant riser diagram is challenging to draw and takes quite a bit of time to produce. There are many things required by the Uniform Plumbing Code that you never experience in residential plumbing.

What Are Some Strange Fixtures in a Restaurant?

Here is a very short list of unusual plumbing fixtures you might find in a restaurant:

  • tiny handwash sinks
  • floor sinks
  • mop basins
  • grease interceptors or traps
  • triple-compartment sinks
  • commercial dishwashers

Are Indirect Drain Connections Required?

The plumbing code is very strict about how sinks connect to the sewage system. All food-preparation sinks and even hand-wash sinks must have an indirect connection to the sewage system.

indirect drain connection hand wash sink food prep sink restaurant riser diagram
These are two sinks in a restaurant. The indirect drain connection is probably happening down in the basement under the tile floor. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

Is the Plumbing Code the Same Across the USA?

The plumbing code is standardized across the USA. That said, local code officials can incorporate their special requirements that must be followed. New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA) is an example of this. As of 2024, NOLA was the only city in the USA that requires a pressure-relief vent on a loop vent for an island sink.

Another key point is many plumbers feel this extra vent is not necessary. Conversely, the plumbing inspectors in NOLA may have had lots of cases where the drain pipe from the sink gets choked with grease. Grease can restrict the amount of air flowing backward through the drain and up into the loop vent.

How Long Does it Take to Draw a Restaurant Riser Diagram?

In normal conditions, it can take up to one week to produce the drawing. The floor plan for the restaurant must be accurate. It’s also important for all of the sink sizes to be called out so the grease interceptor can be sized to meet the flow rate of all the fixtures.

I offer an expedited 24-hour turnaround service to get a riser diagram drawn in just 24 hours assuming all the information required to draw it is sent to me moments after receiving the order.

Who Would Draw the Riser Diagram?

Tim Carter, a master plumber since 1981, would draw your restaurant riser diagram. He finds them challenging and doing the work is therapeutic as he listens to music as he draws.

tim carter master plumber

If you intend to install the plumbing in your project yourself, Tim also offers phone coaching. Tim can point out any mistakes that will cause you to fail an inspection during a video call.

Place your order now for your riser diagram. A plumbing permit will allow you to sell food, fill customers’ bellies,  and make money!

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

DIY Plumbing Phone Coaching

By: Tim Carter

Get DIY Plumbing Coaching Help on the Phone

You can save $10,000, $20,000, or even $30,000 by installing the plumbing yourself on your job.

I’ve helped many people install drain, waste, and vent pipes in new homes and remodel jobs. The best advice I can offer is to start with a plumbing isometric drawing. This drawing is your roadmap showing you exactly what pipes to install on your project.

Another key point is you must install your plumbing pipes according to all that is published in the Uniform Plumbing Code. I can explain things to you about the code on a voice or video call.

I’ve coached many homeowners who had no previous plumbing experience just like you. Each one has successfully received their final approval sticker allowing them to move into their home.

building drain pvc pipes under a concrete slab riser diagram
With my help over the phone or a video call, you can do plumbing like this just like a pro. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

You don’t need to have expert skills to install plumbing pipes. You do need to be able to follow instructions and it helps to read my Best Plumbing Practices eBook. It’s a short read filled with many tips from installing plumbing for over 40 years.

Can You Do Video Plumbing Coaching Calls?

Yes, most of the calls I do are video calls. The second or third call in most cases is an inspection call. The homeowner walks around the job and shows me the fittings laid out to ensure the correct ones are being used and in the right position.

How Qualified Are You?

I’ve been a master plumber since 1981. I’ve installed miles of drain, waste, and vent pipes. I’m a master plumber in all 50 US states. I’ve done both residential and light-commercial plumbing.

tim carter master plumber
I’m Tim Carter. I’ve been a master plumber since 1981. I can help you install your plumbing.

What Does it Cost to Get DIY Phone Coaching Plumbing Help?

The price is very affordable.  CLICK HERE to see the current price. I don’t publish the rate here because inflation causes it to go up every six months.

How Long do the Phone Calls Last?

The minimum length is 15 minutes. You can purchase additional time in 15-minute segments.

Who Has Used This Plumbing Phone Coaching?

Zoe in New Mexico did. She installed all the plumbing pipes in her new home herself.

Walter Davies from Mountain Home, Idaho has done several video calls with me. He also had me draw his riser diagram for his new home.

Angel Lovings in New York took advantage of this service. She made no less than ten calls with me to help her do plan her plumbing work and do all that was required to get her attic ready for a full bathroom.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Washing Machine Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

Washing Machine Remodel or Relocation Riser Diagram

You will need a permit if you plan to move the location of your washing machine.  A riser diagram is required by many cities and towns in order to obtain a permit to alter the plumbing pipes.

DIY phone coaching is available from master plumber Tim Carter. Doing the work yourself will save you well over $1,000.00.

washing machine riser diagram drain pipes
These are all the drain pipes you need for a washing machine. You MUST have the correct pipe size. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter Master Plumber

Why is a Riser Diagram Necessary?

A riser diagram communicates to the plumbing department that you know the correct size pipe to use and how to properly vent the washing machine.

The plumbing inspector doesn’t want to arrive at the job only to discover you installed pipes that are too small.

Why Does Such a Simple Job Require a Drawing?

I don’t make the rules. I can tell you that all too often a homeowner doesn’t know the correct way to install the drain and vent pipes for a washing machine.

The riser diagram acts as a plan and ensures the washing machine will drain properly so long as the pipes are installed according to the riser diagram and all local plumbing code requirements.

Who Can Draw the Riser Diagram?

You should have Tim Carter draw your washing machine riser diagram. He’s been a master plumber since 1981 and can get your drawing to you in days or hours. Call him now at:


How Do I Order the Riser Diagram?

You can purchase the Small Plumbing Remodeling Job plan from Tim Carter right now. He’ll just need the address of the job site to put on the plan.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

New House Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

New House Riser Diagram Required for Permit

A new house riser diagram is required if you’re about to build a new home. Building and plumbing officials are adamant about this because they want you to prove to them you know the right pipes to put in and how they all interconnect.

It’s important to realize your riser diagram must comply with all of the code sections in the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). The UPC is in force in all 50 USA states.

Call Tim Carter now at:


if you don’t know how to draw this riser diagram.

plumbing pipes installed under a concrete slab
A riser diagram will allow you to install pipes like these correctly. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

The new house riser diagram communicates to the plumbing department that you know:

  • what size pipe must drain each fixture
  • what size pipe vents each fixture
  • what fixtures can be served by a branch vent
  • what size the building drain must be
  • what fixtures can or can’t be wet-vented

Why Do I Need the Riser Diagram?

The plumbing inspector doesn’t want to visit the job site and tell you that all the pipes must be removed. If you follow the riser diagram and install the piping per code, you’ll have the correct sizing on all the pipes.

What is a Building Drain Layout Drawing?

A building drain layout drawing is a separate plan that shows you how the horizontal pipes should be installed under a slab or in a crawlspace.

These pipes must be installed with minimal friction loss so the sewage gets out to the city sewer or the septic tank as fast as possible.

All too often DIYrs or designers make mistakes and use the wrong fittings or have too many fittings in an installation.

Tim Carter, a master plumber, is an expert who can draw your building drain layout in just days.

tim carter master plumber
This is Tim Carter. He loves to draw plumbing isometric drawings. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

Who Can Draw a Riser Diagram?

Many plumbers or mechanical engineers can draw one but Tim Carter loves to draw them.  Mechanical engineers can be very expensive. Plumbers prefer to be on job sites and not sit at a desk drawing.

Tim Carter, a master plumber since 1981, draws new house riser diagrams each day.

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Food Truck Riser Diagram

Food Truck Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

A food truck riser diagram is required if you plan to prepare and sell food from a truck or trailer. The odds are your building or health department will require you to supply them with a riser diagram. This diagram must comply with the FDA Food Code 2013 requirements.

testimonial from Google Maps

I draw food truck diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


Order Your Food Truck Riser Diagram Here

I draw food truck riser diagrams on a regular basis.  Call me at 603-470-0508 to get started on your drawing.

food truck plumbing fixtures
You’re looking at a standard 3-compartment sink and a separate hand wash sink inside a food truck.

Serious Health Issues

As you might suspect, there are all sorts of serious health issues when it comes to serving food from a truck or a trailer.

This is why most states and cities require the plumbing inside a food truck or trailer to meet the FDA Food Code 2013.

building department checklist
You can see the state of Kentucky requires several things to get a health/plumbing permit for food trucks.

What Is in a Food Truck Riser Diagram?

All the plumbing fixtures, including the gray-water storage tanks and the hot water storage tank show on a riser diagram.

The fixture connections to the gray-water tank are very critical.  You almost always need to install a floor sink in the food truck.

Who Draws the Riser Diagram?

Tim Carter, a master plumber since 1981, would draw your riser diagram. He knows the FDA Food Code backward and frontward. You will get a permit using Tim’s drawing.

tim carter master plumber
This is Tim Carter. He loves to draw plumbing isometric drawings. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter

How Fast Can You Draw the Food Truck Riser Diagram?

The turnaround time for a drawing is usually just four days. If you need it faster, I do offer priority expedited services.

CALL ME NOW to order your riser diagram: 603-470-0508

tim carter master plumber seal
Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.

Gas Riser Diagram

Gas Riser Diagram – The Pipes Must Be Sized Correctly

By: Tim Carter

A gas riser diagram is a three-dimensional drawing showing gas lines that will supply gas to gas-burning appliances in a home or commercial building. The pipes supplying the gas to each appliance must be sized correctly. If not, the appliance will not burn efficiently and could be starved for fuel.

testimonial from Google Maps

CLICK HERE to order your gas riser diagram. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

testimonial from Google Maps

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


I can complete your drawing in days, not weeks. I offer a special 24-hour expedited service should you be in a bind. I just completed a gas riser diagram for a new house in Santa Fe, NM. The 13 appliances in this house consume a total of 1,500,000 BTUs.

gas riser diagram
This is a typical gas riser diagram that I draw for clients. I color-code the pipes so it’s easy to understand what size pipe extends to each appliance. CALL ME if you want me to draw your gas riser diagram: 603-470-0508

How is a Gas Riser Diagram Created?

The first step is to list all of the gas appliances and then find out the Btu input listed by the manufacturer. This information is needed to start to size the main trunk line that leaves the natural gas meter or the pressure regulator on a propane (LPG) system.

The next step is to draw the pipes on a plan as a plumber would install them on the job. You must do this so you know the exact length of the pipe from the meter to all the appliances.

Who Can Draw A Riser Diagram?

I draw gas diagrams each week. I love doing it. CALL ME if you want me to draw yours. 603-470-0508.

tim carter master plumber

If you already know you want me to draw yours, just place your order here.

What Does a Gas Riser Diagram Cost?

I only charge a fraction of what you’ll pay a mechanical engineer to draw one. As of 2023, my price is just several hundred dollars.

My guess is the base price an engineering firm would charge would be about $2,500.00 or $4,000. (2024 dollars) I’ve been a master plumber since 1981 and draw them for much cheaper than a mechanical engineer.

How Long Does it Take to Draw One?

It usually only takes four or five days to draw a drawing that will pass the smell test at the building department.

What Happens if a Drawing is WRONG?

If you try to do it yourself, there’s a very good chance you’ll get the calculations wrong and your plan might be rejected. If you do get the drawing wrong and the pipes are not sized correctly, your appliances will not function properly. They’ll be starved for gas.

Kitchen Sink Loop Vent

loop vent for island sink
This is a time-tested loop vent for my daughter’s kitchen sink. It’s in a huge island 10 feet long by 5 feet wide. A decorative panel was installed where you see the blue painter’s tape on the floor. This panel hides the loop vent and water supply pipes. CALL ME if you need me to draw your plumbing riser diagram: 603-470-0508 – I also provide affordable DIY phone coaching to help you install all your plumbing. I’ve been a master plumber since 1981.

Kitchen Sink Loop Vent – How One Works

By: Tim Carter

A loop vent is a special pipe configuration that is used when a sink is not located against a wall. Sinks in islands need a loop vent or otherwise, the vent pipe would pierce the countertop and proceed to the ceiling much like a brass fireman’s pole. No one wants that look in a kitchen!

testimonial from Google Maps

I draw residential riser diagrams each day for homeowners all across the USA. My plans cost 50-70% less than all my competitors. CALL ME NOW to discuss your project:


I can complete your drawing in days, not weeks. I offer a special 24-hour expedited service should you be in a bind.

A typical vent pipe for a sink that’s on a wall is hidden inside the wall. The vent pipe travels up the wall and usually connects with other vent pipes. These pipes are collected into one and that pipe exits the roof.

Since most kitchen sinks are located centered on a window, this sink vent pipe can almost always be found in the wall cavity on either side of the window.

Why Does a Sink or Plumbing Fixture Need a Vent?

Vent pipes supply needed air into the plumbing system from the roof vent pipe. Each time water or solid waste enters a drain pipe, it pushes the air that was in the pipe moments before toward the sewer or septic tank.

This air must be replaced and it’s achieved by the vent pipe. You may think that vent pipes work like a smoke stack exhausting sewer gas. The opposite is true. Air travels down the pipes from the roof into the system.

What Size Pipes Are Needed for a Loop Vent?

You must use a minimum of 2-inch pipe for the actual drain stack and vent pipes. The branch arm pipe from the sanitary tee to the sink p-trap must NOT exceed 1 and 1/2 inches.

Where Does A Loop Vent Get Its Air?

The loop vent borrows air from the drain pipes in the plumbing system. When water starts to flow from the sink into the drain pipes, gravity pulls it to the bottom of the horizontal drain pipe. Air can flow back across the top of the flowing water to feed air back into the loop vent.

Since a 1 and 1/2-inch drain pipe was used for the sink, it’s impossible for that pipe to deliver enough water to fill a horizontal 2-inch drain pipe. This is why there’s always enough air in the system to satisfy the need.

Is a Pressure-Relief Vent Required?

To the best of my knowledge, only the city of New Orleans requires a pressure-relief vent. This dry vent is located just above the vent wye on the vent side of the loop vent. The pressure-relief vent then travels upwards until it exits the roof on its own or is connected to other dry vents within the system.

Where Can I Get More Help About Loop Vents?

I can help you. You can go here to arrange a 15-minute phone coaching call. I’ve been a master plumber since 1981 so I think I can answer all your questions.