Salon Riser Diagram

By: Tim Carter

A Salon Riser Diagram Let’s You Shampoo

A salon riser diagram is a drawing that shows all the drain, waste, and vent (DWV) pipes in your new salon. The pipes interconnect and the drawing, as well as the installation, must comply with all of the requirements found in the Uniform Plumbing Code.

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CLICK HERE to order your salon riser diagram. Your drawing will be completed in days, not weeks.

CallĀ 603-470-0508 now to get your salon parlor riser diagram drawn in days.

It’s important to realize these drawings can be very complex. Here is a very condensed list of some of the things that need to be shown on a salon riser diagram:

  • the correct size of all the DWV pipes
  • illustrate the correct fittings and angles at all pipe junctures
  • show how to collect all the vents
  • include general notes about installation parameters

Who Can Create This Drawing?

A riser diagram is best drawn by one of these three professionals:

  • a mechanical engineer
  • a master plumber
  • an architect with deep plumbing knowledge

The mechanical engineer and architect will probably charge the most money. A salon owner shared she got a quote of $3,000.00 (2024 dollars) to draw one.

Tim Carter, a master plumber, charges much less to draw a salon riser diagram. He has low overhead and is very proficient. Tim’s riser diagrams can be completed in just a few days in most cases.

Call Tim now to schedule him to draw your riser diagram:


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This is Tim Carter, master plumber, taking a break from installing floor drains in the garage of his daughter’s home on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. Copyright 2024

What is Required to Produce a Riser Drawing?

The following things are required to draw a riser diagram:

  • a floor plan of the salon showing all plumbing fixtures
  • the address of the new salon
  • the name of the company operating the salon
  • does the salon connect to a city sewer or a septic tank

Is DIY Plumbing Coaching Available?

DIY plumbing phone coaching is a service provided by Tim Carter. You can install the plumbing yourself in many cities and towns using Tim’s help via a phone or video call.

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Tim Carter has been a master plumber since 1981 and WILL DRAW your riser diagram in days.